My latest Victoria's Quilt is called This Way, That Way. Not sure if this is an old quilt design with which I'm not familiar, so forgive me if it goes by another name.
It went together quickly and this is how I constructed it.
The quilt consists of 35 blocks and 2 ¾”
border. All seams are a 1/4".
Block construction:
Cut various prints 4 ¼ x 4 ¼ (A)
Cut various prints 4 ¼ x 5 ¾ (B)
Cut white 2” strip x WOF (C)
Sew one square print piece (A) to one rectangle (B). (C)
Sew a unit C to each side of a 9 ½” strip
of white being sure to put one side in the opposite direction of the other.
Row construction:
Sew a block with the white center strip horizontal to a block with the white center strip going in a vertical direction; and so on. (As you can tell, I am not a pattern writer and this may not be clear enough directions, so if you have any questions, contact me.) Most of you I'm sure will be able to figure this out by looking at the picture of the quilt.
The rows were then sewn together and I added a border.
For Border:
Cut white 3 ¼” width
Sandwiched the top, batting and flannel backing. I always use the Leah Day method for getting a nice flat quilt sandwich to work on. Then with my Bernina walking foot I stitched in the ditch for the quilting.
Binding was hand sewn.
Colors of teal, green and gold worked very nicely together.