Items for Sale

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


 Making quilties for the Almonte General Hospital Birthing Unit provides much appreciated quilts for newborns as well as helping me to use up some of my material stash.

The "quilties" is an ongoing project of the Almonte Quilter's Guild and quilters enjoy the opportunity to use their creative skills to contribute to this project. 

The 24" x 24" quilties are just the right size to try out new block designs on these delightful little quilts.


Thursday, September 8, 2016

Easy Pillowcases

This is an easy DIY project for making standard pillowcases with french seams. This means the pillowcases have no raw edges - neat and clean. 

It uses 1 yard of fabric for the body, 1/3 yard fabric for the cuff and an 1/8 yard of fabric for the accent strip.  For instruction on how to make this wonderful pillow case I followed the Fat Quarter Shop video   

When I make quilts in the future, I plan to make coordinating pillowcases as  a nice addition to the quilt.

Here are printed instructions from Me & My Sister designs if you prefer. 

I made these pillowcases for my granddaughters.